Members will be aware that a number of Tribunal cases were taken forward by NIPSA, for civilian PSNI staff through its solicitors MTB regarding holiday pay.
These cases arose from the Patterson v Castlereagh Borough Council case which NIPSA won at the NI Court of Appeal in 2015. In addition NIPSA have been supporting members across the Civil and Public Service in lodging protective cases in relation to their holiday pay where they have worked overtime or had allowances.
The Tribunal case was heard at the end of September and the judgement which has just been published fully supports the NIPSA claimants. This is a significant and important judgement which many of our members will benefit from, not just in the PSNI but across Northern Ireland.
It is likely this case will be appealed given its value. NIPSA therefore advises all members to continue to follow the instructions given at both meetings and in documentation sent out to ensure that any potential claim is fully protected. Should members have any queries they should contact their representatives who will advise further.