I hope this message finds you in high spirits as we celebrate a momentous victory that showcases the true strength of our collective voice. Today, I am proud to share with you the recent developments regarding the Serco 2023 Pay Offer (Invest NI Facilities Management contract), a testament to the power of unity and determination.

Serco 2023 Pay Offer Unveiled

Thanks to our union's unwavering commitment and the collaborative efforts of each and every one of you, Serco management has confirmed the implementation of the pay offer. This historic achievement means that all members will now be paid the Real Living Wage, while management and supervisor grades will receive a 4% rise. The pay increase will be reflected in your upcoming salary this month, with backdated benefits from April.

The Significance of Collective Action

This moment is cause for celebration, and it highlights the critical role our union plays in advocating for fair and improved working conditions. The fact that Serco has responded positively to our collective voice speaks volumes about the power we wield when we stand united. Your support and dedication have been instrumental in securing this positive outcome, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you.

A Quote from Ryan Wilson, NIPSA Trade Union Official:

"This achievement is a resounding victory for all our members on the Invest NI Facilities Management contract. It exemplifies the strength we gain when we unite behind a common goal. I am immensely proud of our members' dedication and solidarity, which have resulted in Serco's commitment to paying the Real Living Wage and granting a modest rise for management and supervisor grades. Let us continue to stand together, knowing that our collective strength can pave the way for positive change."

Spreading the Word and Encouraging Membership

As we rejoice in our triumph, I urge each of you to share this news with your colleagues and emphasise the importance of union membership. Our success in achieving fairer wages stands as a testament to the value and influence of collective action. By encouraging others to join NIPSA, we can expand our impact and strive for even greater improvements in the future.

Moving Forward Together

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your continued support is the bedrock of our success, and I eagerly look forward to our continued collaboration and progress.

Ryan Wilson
Higher Executive Officer