
This week is Book Week NI which is an important week in the Libraries NI calendar every year.


NIPSA has written to the Minister for Communities in support of the campaign to save Regina Coeli


NIPSA has announced plans to ballot Health Service workers in an industrial action ballot over


Members across Health and Social Care (HSC) will be aware that NIPSA alongside other Health Unions


NIPSA's General Council have agreed to join with our sister unions PCS, FDA and Prospect in the


As part of LGBTQI+ Awareness Week (16-22 May), which aims to raise awareness and advance education on


NIPSA and MTB solicitors have won just over £280,000 in compensation for members in relation to


Further the posting on NJC Pay Offer which indicated that consultation was underway on the


NIPSA has received notification that the NJC Joint Secretaries have agreed the pay award for


The joint trade unions have accepted the National Joint Council pay offer. The NJC covers workers in


The joint trade unions have accepted the National Joint Council pay offer. The NJC covers workers in


The Public Officers’ Group Executive Committee met last week and agreed that branch consultation meetings


Please find below the 2022/23 NJC pay offer.

You will notice that it is far below our members


As reported at our last Panel meeting, NIPSA held two consultation meetings during March this year


As reported at our last Panel meeting, NIPSA held two consultation meetings during March this year


Please find below the NJC Trade Union Side pay claim for 1 April 2023. Our claim is for:

  • An

ICTU briefing document: No Deal: Why Unions Oppose TTIP and CETA.


Alison Millar, General Secretary NIPSA said it was disgusting and abhorrent that a young


The 2021 Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival (NIHRF) is now live! This year’s festival will run


LGBT Awareness Week starts tomorrow 15 May with a week of events highlighting LGBT rights and


Our range of posters on the theme of Hidden Disabliites are now available for download, click on


The October to December Training Programme is now available, click on the link below to download the


I enclose the circulars which give effect to the recent award for salaries wef 1 September 2016.