
NIPSA Local Government branches met on Wednesday 3 August to consider the employers 2022/23 pay


The Trade Union Side of the National Joint Council for Local Government Services: Northern


Survey Agreement

NIPSA has agreed with council management that an external organisation will be


Please find from the links below two letters relating to the 2023 NJC Pay round for your


NIPSA has reacted angrily to news coming through from local Representatives that a number of


Following a prolonged period of negotiations with Mid Ulster District Council (MUDC) through the

The Campaign for Marriage Equality in Northern Ireland Northern Ireland: Legal Action Launched

Welcome to the latest installment of our Love Equality bulletin!

Northern Ireland went to the



As part of the Belfast Pride Festival the


This year’s May Day march and rally will take place on Saturday 29 April 2023.

Unions will


NIPSA members in Mid & East Antrim Council along with members of our sister unions in GMB and


NIPSA Local Government Panel Officers met with the Department for Communities Minister Deirdre


NIPSA met yesterday with the Finance Minister, Conor Murphy, and Officials from his department for


I write to advise that NIPSA has today given Health Employers the necessary notice in regards to


The NIPSA Health and Social Care Central Panel has met and considered the announcement from the


NIPSA members will join members of SIPTU,GMB and Unite in a campaign of industrial action in Newry


As we return to industrial action short of strike, I would like to say a big thank you to


Further to the article posted on the 23 March , further intense engagement and written exchanges


For more great offers visit the Membership Plus website today for exclusive offers to NIPSA members! 


I am writing to update you further to my previous bulletin dated Friday 11 June 2021. You will be


I am writing to you on the above and further to my previous bulletin dated Friday 28 May 2021 as


I have today announced to the General Council of my intention to retire with effect from 30


NIPSA will be running a new seminar aimed at members aged between 35-50. These seminars will


NIPSA will be running a new seminar aimed at members aged between 35-50. These seminars will


As you will be aware today saw the release of what was described as a “mini-budget”. While there is
