
On behalf of the HSC Central Panel and its HSC Pay Policy Sub-Group, it was agreed to update


Dr. Price does not say that the right to do these things exists in this or in that person, or in


The HSENI have updated the example workplace risk assessment template which sets out the kind of


You will be aware that the NICS was aiming to launch the above policy today, 4 April 2022. Trade


I advise members in the ICT Discipline that NIPSA had been in consultation with NICS HR on an ICT


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has condemned recent extremist protests outside centres housing


NIPSA, together with other public sector trade unions are meeting with Sue Gray, the Permanent


Report by Liz Skelcher and Lucia Collins on the ICTU Global Solidarity Summer School.

report by Lucia Collins

This two day annual event attended by over 80 Trade Unionists from all over


Please see below details of upcoming ICTU Training Courses for circulation to your Branch


NIPSA, the largest public sector trade union in Northern Ireland can announce that, following


I wanted to drop you a note about a meeting yesterday with management about work ongoing


You will be aware that negotiations with the Further Education Sector Employers during 2020 on


Members, available now to download from the link below formal confirmation of the implementation of this


Members will be aware that NIPSA balloted our members on Pay and Safe Staffing. The result of that


NIPSA members across Health and Social Care (HSC) will be aware that the Government has offered 3%


This is a reminder of the action taking place this week. Please circulate to all members.

Protest on

In my last article I reported the outcome of the industrial action ballot on pay. The answer given by



I refer to my earlier article on 17 May and the individual mailshot that was sent to members in


From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10


There’s a quote we all know too well from Forest Gump ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never

This year’s International Women’s Day celebrations and rally will be a virtual one due to the

As part of International Women’s Day celebrations NIPSA is organising a virtual event on Tuesday 8 March


Today, we mark International Women’s Day (IWD).  A day to celebrate all the phenomenal women who


The 8th March 2019 marks International Women’s Day (IWD). It is a global day celebrating the
