
The Newsletter features a report from Justice for Colombia on their continued campaign for trade


Housing Stock Transfer vote – another resounding victory for residents and NIPSA in the fight to


NIPSA has long recognised that rights for working mothers are not just a women’s issue and NIPSA is


The guide was first published in October 2018 in furtherance of Comprehensive Motion No.79 which


To coincide with World Menopause Day (18 October) the NIPSA Equality Committee is reissuing its


NIPSA has a keen interest in occupational health and safety (OHS). Our representatives are active in


NIPSA is aware of ongoing health and safety concerns regarding the safe operation of vehicle lifts


Attached are a series of new Health and Safety Leaflets.

I am writing to update you that the Health Central Panel, held on the 27 August, agreed that


The NIPSA Health Central Panel met yesterday, Thursday 16 January, to consider the latest offer on


On the 18 December 2019 NIPSA members played an outstanding role in the biggest strike action that


Members below is a letter I've sent to the Secretary of State.

Terry Thomas
Assistant Secretary



Today NIPSA members in the health service will join half a million workers across the UK in taking


I congratulate all of you who again demonstrated your commitment and resolve to stand up for

Action starts at 12.01am and finishes at 11.59pm

The NIPSA ballot for Industrial Action returned a


The Department of Health have reported; “Today the Health Minister Robin Swann announced that pay


NIPSA welcomes yesterday’s announcement that car park charges at health service facilities will be


A decision has been taken to pay Health Workers a 1% pay award, this is an absolute insult and


NIPSA has written to its 9,500 members working within the HSC in Northern Ireland, canvassing


UNISON and NIPSA members in all employment areas in the health service in Northern Ireland will


NIPSA, the largest trade union in Northern Ireland, has issued notice to the Belfast Health Trust


health pickets 17 Feb 23 a

While I would like to begin with wishing you all a Happy New Year in 2023, the reality is that I


Information for lunchtime and evening meeting with members in Southern Health and Social Care Trust