As you are aware, NIPSA is currently undertaking a consultation exercise to seek your views on the Pay Offer made in December by the CEO as a result of the local JTUS Pay Claim which was lodged last June. The consultation also seeks your views on what action should be taken should the majority of our members reject the offer, and to receive your mandate for NIPSA to seek to secure a better deal using various means at our disposal, up to and including Industrial Action.
You will also be aware that our sister Union Unite, with whom NIPSA has worked closely in lodging the local pay claim and pursuing the NIHE to table a fair and inflation busting pay rise for members in the NIHE, has had members out on continuous strike action for over 6 months, which is still continuing. At the heart of this action is the single objective of achieving a decent pay rise for members. Unite has overwhelmingly rejected the pay offer tabled by Management, which is the subject of the ongoing NIPSA consultation exercise.
Available to download from the links below a flyer from Unite explaining its position, together with a petition of support urging the NIHE Management Side to table an improved pay offer. I would invite you to read the attached information, sign the petition and share with all your friends and family.
Workers united can never be defeated.