The NJC Employers have tabled a final offer for the 2023/24 pay award.

It is summarised as follows:

The National Employers today agreed unanimously to make the following one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024), full and final offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce:

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 (pro rata for part-time employees) to be paid as a consolidated, permanent addition on all NJC pay points 2 to 43 inclusive.
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all pay points above the maximum of the pay spine but graded below deputy chief officer (in accordance with Green Book Part 2 Para 5.42)
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 NJC pay agreement circular dated 1 November 2022)

This offer would achieve a bottom rate of pay of £11.915 with effect from 1 April 2023 (which equates to a pay increase of 9.42 per cent for employees on pay point 2) and everyone on the NJC pay spine would receive a minimum 3.88 per cent pay increase.

If accepted, this offer means an employee on the bottom pay point in April 2021 (earning £18,333) will have received an increase in their pay of £4,033 (22.0 per cent) over the two years to April 2023.

For an employee at the mid-point of the pay spine (pay point 22), their pay will have increased over the same period by £3,850 (13.99 per cent).

The pay award for 2023/24 is £1925 (pro-rata for part-time employees) and equates to an increase of £1.025 per hour.

I attach to this letter the new pay including the hourly rates which you may find helpful.

Alan Law
Assistant Secretary