NIPSA Local Government branches met on Wednesday 3 August to consider the employers 2022/23 pay offer. The following points were agreed.

  • The 2022/23 offer does not address NIPSAs pay claim for ‘the rate of inflation plus a satisfactory cost of living increase’
  • The current offer fails to address the cost of living crisis and represents a significant cut in the standards of living for all staff operating under NJC
  • On that basis the NIPSA Local Government branches unanimously rejected the offer.

Branches have agreed to take the following steps

  • Carry out an extensive discussion and consultation process to prepare for a campaign for a real pay rise
  • Carry out a ballot for industrial action

The industrial action ballot will cover 2022/23 NJC pay and where applicable local claims lodged with individual employers.

NIPSA remains committed to working with our sister trade unions to achieve our collective aims. We recognise that it is in our interest of our members to seek, where possible, to coordinate our actions across the trade unions.

Patrick Mulholland
Deputy General Secretary